
We focus on strong businesses, which are hampered by illiquid ownership structures or encumbered by outsize liabilities.

As these situations typically involve several stakeholders with delicate deal dynamics, they invite complexity and require determination that prove too onerous for typical would-be investors, which, combined with the need for a bespoke structure, makes us predominantly the sole party in the process.

We devote our energy to fundamental business analysis at world-class level and to designing a creative solution to the complexities at hand.

Our goal is to catalyze change in the underlying businesses to unlock their value potential through the transaction itself by removing key impediments to growth and/or profitability.

Our hands-on approach embraces systematic and disciplined operational improvements at portfolio companies at top and bottom lines, organically and through acquisitions.

We believe that responsible investing is fundamental to good investing and apply that belief to our process.

We do that by:

  •   Identifying ESG risks and opportunities in due diligence
  •   Promoting and supporting ESG initiatives at portfolio companies
  •   Adhering to the highest standard of conduct to prevent negligent, unfair or improper practices in all aspects of our operations
  •   Integrating ESG principles into everyday business and investment practices